Amendment to Regulations: National Road Traffic (NRTA), Act 93 of 1996 | Infrastructure news

Most of the provisions that were covered in the draft notice of the National Road Traffic Regulations have been included in the amendment which was published at the end of October. It was first published for comment in June 2012.

The long awaited Twenty Second Regulation Amendment to the National Road Traffic Regulations from the National Department of Transport can be accessed here. 

The following came into effect immediately on Friday 31 October:
• provisions relating to licences, roadworthiness, loading relating to haulage tractor;
• Verification of address particulars for NaTIS users (excluding the provision on website updates);
• Children under three years must be seated in a child restraint when transported in a motor vehicle (not applicable to minibuses and buses used for reward)
• The 80-sign on the back of a goods vehicle over 9 000kg GVM is now compulsory
• Management Representatives of Testing Stations may now test 150 vehicles a month instead of 5 a day.

The following come into effect on 31 January 2015:
• Consignor and Consignee regulations 330A to 330D;
• Consignor must determine that a vehicle is legally loaded (axles and total mass);
• Goods declaration required in terms of regulation 330C.

The following will come into effect on 30 April 2015:
• regulation 215 – speed governors on certain vehicles.

The following are not yet implemented (they require a date to be published for implementation):
• driving hours – regulations 272A to 272E;
• Provisional driving licences – Regulations 107, 107A -107C, 108 – 108A, 109;
• Driving schools – regulations 114G to 114Q;
• Periodic roadworthiness testing of vehicles 10 years and older every 24 months – regulation 138;
• Certain vehicles to be fitted with vehicle directional stability control devices (VDSCD) – regulation 139;
• Parking for persons with a disability.

This is not a complete list of all the amendments, highlighted here are just some of the major changes to the amended act.



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