Cape Town’s housing database goes digital | Infrastructure news

The City of Cape Town’s online housing database has gone live and qualifying residents can now apply online to be registered on this database.
Councillor Siyabulela Mamkeli, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements, said the new system is a quick, convenient and safe way for residents who qualify in terms of the subsidy criteria to access this City service – including with a smart phone.

“Residents can also make use of the City’s free SmartCape internet access at libraries, while our elderly residents can even be helped by their children and grandchildren to access the database online without having to face the challenges of mobility and travel to housing offices. It is another way that this administration is increasing service delivery through innovation,” he added.

The City, like the National Government’s Department of Human Settlements, uses a housing database to ensure the fair and systematic delivery of housing opportunities to qualifying persons who have registered on the database. The accuracy of the information is therefore very important.

The database, which is protected, updated and audited, is necessary to prevent queue-jumping and to ensure that the City’s service and housing delivery programmes are not jeopardised by the proliferation of unplanned settlements.

The database is therefore a key pillar of the City’s efforts to provide housing opportunities as a means of enabling redress.

Residents must take responsibility

Mamkeli urged residents to find out whether they qualify for a subsidised housing opportunity. If they are already registered, residents should make sure that their personal details are updated regularly, which they can now do online.

“We do everything in our power to provide interim relief to our residents who are awaiting a housing opportunity and to ensure that there is fairness and transparency in the housing process. But we also need residents to work with us and to take responsibility for what is required of them,” he said.

Residents who wish to make use of this new service must have their own valid cell phone number. During the application process, a one-time pin number will be sent via SMS. This cell phone number will also be required in future to update the online application.

Application process

Information that residents should have ready prior to registering includes the full names of the applicant and their spouse (if applicable), with ID numbers, marital status and marriage type, full names of children (if applicable), with ID numbers, full address, details of any disabilities within the household, employment status and income.

After the application has been submitted, the Human Settlements Directorate’s Housing Information Branch will verify the information. If the information is correct and the applicant qualifies for a housing opportunity, the application will form part of the database. The applicant will then receive a postcard acknowledging the application which will include the registration number and the application date.

If the information is incorrect, an official will phone the applicant and assist in correcting the information on the application.

The applicant must keep their information, such as their address and contact phone numbers, updated.


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