The results on what drives income and expenditure in selected industries have been published in the Statistics South Africa’s Annual financial statistics (AFS) report.
It provides an indication of the financial health and performance of the selected industries, including information on turnover, purchases, and capital expenditure. The report sources data from the financial statements of enterprises (i.e. private businesses and public corporations) in all industries, with the exclusion of government institutions and financial intermediation, insurance and business services not elsewhere classified.The total turnover measured for the selected industries increased by 8,9%, from R6,4 trillion in 2012 to just under R7,0 trillion in 2013, despite a decrease of 11 324 enterprises between the two years*. Enterprises in the electricity, gas and water supply industry experienced the largest percentage increase in turnover (+12,5%). Other industries that reported significant percentage increases in turnover were auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services (+11,7%); community, social and personal services (+10,6%); and trade (+10,3%). However, there was a decrease of 1,3% in turnover reported in the mining and quarrying industry.
Total purchases amounted to just over R4 trillion in 2013, representing an increase of 11,7% compared to 2012. Increases in purchases were reported by all industries, the top three being electricity, gas and water supply (+26,4%), followed by construction (+16,5%), and trade (+12,4%).
Capital expenditure on assets amounted to R0,4 trillion in 2013, representing an increase of 8,0% between 2012 and 2013. The top three industries that reported the largest increases in capital expenditure were forestry and fishing (+38,3%), followed by community, social and personal services (+35,6%), and transport, storage and communication (+32,1%).
Download the full publication here. *The number of enterprises excludes government institutions, as well as financial intermediation, insurance and business services not elsewhere classified.