Knysna municipality is in the process of removing redundant standpipes in the formalised sections of the Northern Areas in Knysna.
Municipal Manager Lauren Waring said Knysna has experienced low water levels in recent months and the municipality needs to do all it can in order to save water. “The removal of the redundant standpipes will reduce the water wastage that occurs in standpipes. It is very difficult to control the wastage and this is the only measure we have to reduce the waste. In addition the removal will decrease the maintenance requirements in terms of human resources and financial resources.”These standpipes were provided in the past to supply water to communities in informal areas as an interim measure before those areas were formalised. A standpipe supplies water within a 200m radius in terms of minimum water service levels.
Most of the sections in the Northern Areas have been formalised and are now fully serviced, making the standpipes which are still operating in those sections unnecessary. Waring said the affected communities would be informed of these actions. “The standpipes in the areas that are currently being developed will not be removed until the development has been completed and all services are operational. The standpipes in informal areas will remain until these areas are also formalised”, Waring concluded.