Implementing the smart grid | Infrastructure news

A smart grid facilitates the efficient, intelligent use of available energy, reducing demand on South Africa’s already strained network, and potentially easing the demand for expensive new power stations.

How can the barriers to entry be overcome in time to yield maximum benefit?

“A smart grid can be defined as an evolved grid system, expanded through the addition of intelligence, that manages electricity demand in a sustainable, reliable and economic manner,” explains Jaco Cronje, operations director for EES Africa.

“The smart grid allows the integration of all types of power generation, including renewables. Smart grids are an integral part of smart cities.”

The grid was originally designed for the supply of low-cost abundant energy sourced over great distances by consumers.

Alternative energy producers also started contributing to the grid, but this should not be mistaken for a smart gird.

In this article Cronje takes a look at some of the components of smart grids, which include smart meters. He also explains what the major barriers to implementing a smart grid are and he examines the key solutions.

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