The Government of Ethiopia recently launched a National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) Forum and NQI Standard Committee.
The committee, which aims to transform Ethiopia’s economy through quality and standard products, is important in the country’s entry into the international market according to Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen. Speaking at the launch Mekonnen said that the country’s economic transformation could be attained which is why the vision of meeting the status of middle income countries, will be ensured through the harmonisation of activities of various sectors, as well as the production of internationally qualified products. Demitu Hambissa, Ethiopia’s Minister of Science and Technology, on her part reiterated that quality and standards have a direct and far reaching implication on the economic performance of a country through the integration and harmonisation of all sectors in ensuring production of quality products.She added that the NQI Forum and NQI Technical Committee will be tasked to monitor, coordinate and support quality and standard related issues, noting that the National Quality Infrastructure Technical Committee will also be charged to monitor the activities of NQI development through the identification of problems that need to immediately be addressed.
It is also stated that the Committee in association with other agencies would be engaged in monitoring uniform standards across the country as well as designing annual plans and implement them.