Big funding for Mombasa port | Infrastructure news

Funding for the expansion works at the second container terminal at the Port of Mombasa will be supplied by the Japanese government to the tune of $270 million.

National Treasury Cabinet secretary Henry Rotich said the financing will be used for construction of the new container terminal’s Berth 22, consultancy services and procurement of equipment.

“This is a high priority and critical project whose completion will enhance container handling capacity at the port and provide handling equipment to facilitate trade and economic development in Kenya and the neighbouring countries in East, Central and the horn of Africa,” said Rotich.

Rotich also said that the expansion will complement the current Mombasa port area road development project and have a positive effect on economic development for Kenya.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure, Michael Kamau said berth 22 will have a quay length of 250 m and a depth of 15 m.

“Once completed, it will provide an additional capacity of 400 000 TEUs,”

Construction of the first phase of the second container terminal is currently 70% complete and is expected to be completed by March 2016.

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