Comment sought on draft irrigation water regulations | Infrastructure news

The public is invited to submit written comments on the draft regulations for irrigation water.

The regulations require that the abstraction of water for irrigation of crops purposes be limited, monitored, measured and recorded.

After consultations with various stakeholders in the water sector, Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane, drafted and published a notice in terms of Section 69 of the National Water Act (36) of 1998.

The draft regulations, made under section 26(1) of the act, were published on 12 December 2014 in the Government Gazette.

Written comments are sought within a period of 90 days from the date on which the draft regulations were published.

The regulations will limit the abstraction rate, prescribe procedures, give powers to authorities and define offences.

The department said the regulations are necessary for the effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with the limits and conditions of water use.

Written comments must be submitted before 11 March 2015 to the addresses given in the notice, preferable by e-mail.

The notice can be obtained from the Government Printer’s website or alternatively from the offices of the Department of Water and Sanitation countrywide.

For more information, interested persons can contact J P Nothling from the department on 012 336 8044.


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