Infrastructure development is set to become one of the key drivers of employment in the next few years as the country implements the National Development Plan (NDP).
It’s also worth noting that government departments as well as municipalities have begun aligning their planning with the NDP. The Department of Public Works, through its Expanded Public Works Programme, is one of those departments that will be critical to reduce unemployment in line with the NDP. Through EPWP, government has since 2004, provided work opportunities and training to millions of unemployed and unskilled people, mainly youth. The EPWP was introduced with a clear mandate of alleviating poverty and unemployment through the provision of training; work opportunities to the poor and unemployed South Africans. It is implemented by all three spheres of government across its four sectors which are infrastructure, non-state, and environment and culture as well as social sectors.Infrastructure development key to employment
Feb 6, 2015 | News