January trade conditions better than expected | Infrastructure news

According to the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), there was an improvement in trade conditions for January 2015, with trade performing better than anticipated since October 2014.

The unadjusted Trade Activity Index (TAI) increased by six index points to 62 in January, said Sacci.

The non-seasonally adjusted TAI was 11 points higher than in December and 13 points higher than January 2014.

“Although trade appeared relatively buoyant in January, the probable excess domestic demand will find its way towards imports.”

Import volumes were higher in the fourth quarter of 2014 than in the same quarter the previous year.

There was a notable increase in sales volumes in January due to seasonal lower inter-business trade during the December holidays. Volumes were higher when compared to the low levels in January 2014.

The new orders sub-index improved by 10 index points in January compared to December.

“Supplier deliveries returned to normal as businesses re-opened in January and was above the 50 level.

“Stock levels were replenished after the holiday period pushing the index up to 64 from 60 in December 2014,” Sacci said.

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