Zimbabwe, Botswana ready coal transportation deal | Infrastructure news

Zimbabwe and Botswana have agreed to cooperate in the transportation of coal, under which Gaborone will export about 10 million tonnes of the mineral, per annum, using Harare’s under-utilised railway system.

Zimbabwe Transport Minister Obert Mpofu told state radio that he has agreed in principle with Botswana Minerals, Energy and Water Resources Minister Onkokame Kitso Mokaila on the facilitation of coal exports. “We met with the Botswana officials who requested our support in ensuring that they export coal using our railway system, Mpofu told the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.

He said officials from the two countries would soon be engaging each other in the necessary measures required to make exportation of coal feasible on the existing railway infrastructure that connects Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

Landlocked Botswana is exploring alternative routes to export its abundant coal. It often finds it expensive to ferry its exports through the sea and is compelled to use ports in neighbouring countries.

Source: APA

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