Kenya highway project secures funding | Infrastructure news

Kenya has received a $123 million loan from the African Development Fund following approval from the African Development Bank Group, for the Mombasa-Mariakani Highway upgrade project.

The project road is a key import/export gateway and an important section of the Northern Corridor, which links the port of Mombasa in Kenya with the land linked eastern and central African countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Currently, the road experiences persistent congestion that hinders access to the main sea port of Mombasa due to high traffic volumes predominantly comprised of heavy trucks.

The Project will see the widening of a 41.7-kilometre stretch of the Mombasa-Mariakani Highway. Flyovers, bus bays, service roads, truck parking, pedestrian foot bridges, walkways, street lighting and associated soft components will all be erected along the road.

The project is co-financed by Germany’s KfW, the European Investment Bank and the Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund.

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