NMBM implements new waste management strategy | Infrastructure news

Another South African municipality has joined the fight against illegal dumping. Nelson Mandela Bay is implementing a comprehensive strategy to eliminate illegal dumping.

According to the municipality there are currently19 formal waste transfer sites around Nelson Mandela Bay, which generate approximately 49 000 tons per annum.

For the financial year of 2014/15, council allocated a budget of R423 million as the operational budget for waste management in the city.

The funding was also provided for the purchase of trucks, in order to increase the frequency in low income areas, over the next 3 years.

In addition the municipality says the waste collection frequency in low cost areas has been increased to once weekly as of 30 March 2015. “In the past, waste was only collected once every 2 weeks,” says Roland Williams, municipal spokesperson.

The Kragga Kamma waste site is currently awaiting the official registration, in accordance with the national regulatory framework from the Department of Environmental Affairs before it can be re-opened.

Before the end of the year, the site will also operate as a recycling station along with its current function.

“The waste management service is an essential one, and requires the cooperation of all residents and business in the city,” concludes Williams.

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