The business of water conservation | Infrastructure news

The eThekwini Municipality is hosting an Environmental Water Conservation Workshop, aimed at the business and community structures in the South Durban Basin area today.

The world is currently faced with a crisis due to the spatial distribution of water. The increasing demand of water resources and the decline in water quality generally presents severe constraints in development.

The workshop, which is a partnership between the Provincial and Municipal Department of Water and Sanitation and Unilever, will look at the initiatives put in place by the municipality to deal with environmental pollution and conservation and what other industries can do to assist.

Unilever is using the workshop as a platform to explain its highly successful and sustainable model to address the current water crisis.

Also on the agenda is sharing water saving approaches through educational programmes, discouraging illegal water connections, ensuring compliance to water-bylaws, policies and regulation and sharing the provincial perspective and latest developments in Kwazulu Natal.

Some of the guest speakers include Chris Fennemore – Senior Manager Ethekwini Water and Sanitation, Justin Apsey Vice President Marketing of Homecare at Unilever and Michael Singh – Deputy Director and Kwazulu Natal Water Champion at Unilever.

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