Sanral stands up for foreign nationals | Infrastructure news

The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (Sanral) has joined the rest of the country in supporting government’s stance against the attacks on foreign nationals.

Sanral CEO Nazir Alli said the attacks, some of which have resulted in deaths, injuries and damage to property, offend not only the human dignity of foreign nationals, but also the vast majority of South Africans.

“Sanral has noted the attacks with grave concern and we vehemently condemn these dastardly acts. These attacks on foreign nationals not only devalue our democratic order as a country but they also reverse the gains that South Africa has made in ensuring peaceful co-existence in our communities,” said Alli.

In support of government’s broad campaign to stop attacks on foreign nationals, and also as an entity of the Department of Transport, Sanral said it fully supports the stance taken by Transport Minister Dipuo Peters in partnership with the taxi industry to oppose attacks against foreign nationals.

The agency is currently posting anti-attacks messages on its electronic signboards on the national highways.

Alli said as part of its mandate of managing and maintaining the national road network, Sanral facilitates the free movement of goods and people between South Africa and other Southern African Development Community (SADC) member countries, consequently promoting economic development, tourism and ensuring safety on national roads.

Through partnership with regional bodies such as the Association of Southern Africa National Roads Agencies (ASANRA), Alli added, Sanral continues to support the development of an integrated transport system, which meets national and regional goals and objectives through the application of best practices in the development and maintenance of the regional road network.

“Also, in partnership with our sister transport agencies such as the Cross Border Road Transport Agency, we continue to cooperate with our counterparts in fellow SADC member states to share knowledge as well delivering excellent roads.

“We promote cooperation in the SADC region and identify ourselves with the rest of the continent. As an agency of government we strongly condemn the attacks on fellow Africans who are in our country,” said Alli.

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