Matona and Eskom part ways | Infrastructure news

The Eskom board and the utility’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tshediso Matona have mutually agreed to part ways.

“Eskom and its Chief Executive Tshediso Matona have mutually agreed to part ways on an amicable basis. It is expressly noted that no misconduct or wrongdoing is alleged by Eskom against Matona,” said the utility on Monday.

Matona, who is the former Department of Public Enterprises Director General, was appointed to the top post in August 2014.

In its statement, Eskom said that Matona believes that the agreement to part ways is in the best interest of Eskom, to allow the board to pursue its plans for the company under the current leadership.

“With the separation, the inquiry initiated by the board into the state of affairs at Eskom will continue as planned, and Matona’s suspension falls away. The separation is also by no means an anticipation of the outcomes of the inquiry, the latter whose objective is to enable the organisation to deal with its challenges,” it said.

In March, Eskom’s board announced that it would commission an independent inquiry into the running of its business, in addition to the inquiry of four executives including Matona, who had been asked to step aside for the duration of the three month inquiry.

“Having considered his contribution at Eskom, and his vast professional and leadership experience, Eskom is of the view that Matona can still play a vital role for South Africa, whether within commercial business or the Public Service sector. Eskom thanks Matona for his contribution during his term at Eskom,” said the utility.

In April, Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown announced that Group Chief Executive Officer at state entity Transnet, Brian Molefe, has been seconded to Eskom as its acting Chief Executive Officer.


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