The winners of the prestigious, biennial Fulton Awards were announced at a special Gala Dinner held as part of the Fulton Awards Weekend from the 5 to 7 June 2015, at the Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg.
The Fulton Awards began as a tribute to the late Dr Sandy Fulton for his contribution to the understanding of concrete, its development, and improvement. Sandy Fulton was unquestionably one of the doyens of the international concrete industry with impressive achievements in research contained in 35 published papers. He left a legacy of scientific and technological advances in the construction industry. These awards, in four different categories, honour excellence in the concrete construction industry. Through the Fulton Awards, the Concrete Society recognises and rewards excellence and innovation in the use of concrete. The Award is made symbolically to the structure and is presented to the entire team responsible for its construction, including the owner/developer, all professionals, and the contractors. The winners were announced by John Sheath, CEO of the Concrete Society of Southern Africa, as follows:What else to read
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