Productivity at the centre of everything | Infrastructure news

Every organization, large or small, has as a main objective to increase efficiency while keeping costs to a minimum, but are not often able to realize this goal without incurring further expenses says *Moshe Zulberg.

The logistics industry, in particular, has various repetitive and manual tasks, loads of paperwork and a need for skilled individuals each within a unique field.

Productivity becomes essential to manage all business process and has therefore become a common theme with all solutions being developed with this in mind. An innovative idea has been adopted that looks at both the actual product being offered as well as the theory that can be applied to ensure it’s effectiveness. When focusing on the product, three levels arise to access productivity: eliminate, automate and accelerate.

The elimination of repetitive processes is the ultimate starting point to reduce costs. Data integration means that there is no need to capture data more than once, the data remains throughout the system and is available for all departments and between all modules. Repetitive conversations such as auto rating an invoice, for example, should not result in you preparing the invoice, as this would be done when quoting your customer.

The notion of eliminating also ensures that there is data integrity and accuracy so that data is not corrupted.

Streamlining your work is crucial both internally and when working with your partners. Business Partners share information with you and you in turn share information with your customers. If all data is available electronically, it should be distributed electronically and therefore assists in structuring your internal and external processes by alleviating constraints and pushing productivity for you and your partners.

Lastly, when looking at the product, it should accelerate your tasks – not only do we strive to assist with preventing you from doing the same thing more than once, we want to push the process to another level where we automate as much as we can within the organization and accelerate it by increasing leverage as well as efficiency.

*Moshe Zulberg, Group business development director at CompuClearing.

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