Construction regulations under the spotlight | Infrastructure news

The Department of Labour will host an information session for the construction industry ahead of the implementation of the registration of construction health and safety professionals and the construction work permit in terms of the new labour regulations.

The seminar will be held in Boksburg, Johannesburg on 9 July. Held under the theme “Construction Regulations 2014 – Implementation Phase,” more than 650 delegates are expected to attend the event.

The construction sector has come under the spotlight in the past two years following the fatal collapse of the Tongaat Mall in 2013 and the subsequent appointment of the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the tragedy and the collapse of a structure in Meyersdal in Gauteng.

The launch of the new Construction Regulations 2014, which comes into effect in August, is intended to advance the “Zero Harm” initiative in workplaces and promote a meaningful social dialogue in occupational health and safety matters.

The first construction regulations were promulgated on 18 July 2003, after the department and the construction sector identified the need for sector-based regulations rather than using the general safety regulations which was inadequate in addressing matters of construction health and safety.

The growth and diversity of the construction sector as compared to other high-risk sectors further necessitated that the current regulations be amended, and as such the Advisory Council of the Minister of Labour on Occupational Health and Safety Matters appointed a technical task team in 2006 which was comprised of government, organised business and organised labour.

According to the department, seminar will be preceded by a comprehensive training session targeted at departmental provincial inspectors, specialist inspectors and principal inspectors.

The inspector’s training will focus on the elements of administering of the new Construction Regulations 2014.

The department’s newly-appointed Deputy Director- General of the Inspection and Enforcement Services, Aggy Moiloa, is expected to address the seminar on the vision for the industry.

There will also be a presentation of the key aspects of the Construction Regulations 2014.


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