Development of the R16.5 billion uMkhomazi water project Phase 1 is at an advanced stage and once complete, it will be one of the largest water transfer schemes in South Africa.
This is a multi-disciplinary project which is being undertaken by the Department of Water and Sanitation and uMgeni Water. The National Department of Water and Sanitation presented to eThekwini Municipality’s Human Settlements and Infrastructure Committee the progress that has been made towards the Umkhomazi Water Project Phase 1 at the City Hall on Tuesday, 21 July 2015. The Committee was pleased with the progress being made thus far and recommended the augmentation of the uMgeni water supply system from the uMkhomazi River. The project will assist to adequately supply water to the Durban and Pietermaritzburg areas and will meet the long-term water requirements of almost five million domestic and industrial water users in both cities.Currently, the feasibility study for the transfer of water from the uMkhomazi River to the existing uMgeni system is being conducted.
Head of eThekwini Water and Sanitation, Ednick Msweli said: “Based on the September 2011 projection, the uMgeni River system is in a deficit situation until the Spring Grove Dam is implemented and starts to deliver water.” Msweli added that construction of the Spring Grove Dam was complete and work is now underway to construct the Smithfield Dam (uMkhomazi River Development project) and this project is expected to be completed by 2023.