Changing the way we recycle polystyrene in South Africa | Infrastructure news

The Polystyrene packaging industry has through the Polystyrene Packaging Council (PSPC) established the recycling of Polystyrene in South Africa.

The challenges of recycling this versatile product has been addressed and with sustainable recycling projects identified, we believe that we are moving into a new era of recycling.

The projects identified are solutions for the recycling of each Polystyrene product in South Africa.

The sustainable end markets include the traditional picture frames, seedling trays (the very successful Breadtags for Wheelchairs), Tutudesks, Wonderbags and Bean Bags and the innovative post consumer Polystyrene recycled into construction panels.

These projects all speak to the huge job creation and housing shortages in our country, while others encourage consumers to recycle and make a difference in someone’s life.

The development of a web-based application Polynet enables the industry to effectively recycle Polystyrene but to also ensure that statistics for the recycling are available and progress is therefor measureable.

The Polystyrene Packaging Council (PSPC) is now in a position to take the recycling of Polystyrene to the next level by implementing these plans and making it sustainable.

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