Orange Farm joins COJ’s recycling family | Infrastructure news

A R16-million multipurpose Pikitup waste management depot was opened in Orange Farm, Region G recently adding fuel to the City of Johannesburg’s recycling fire.

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Environment and Infrastructure Services Councillor Matshidiso Mfikoe officially opened the depot on Monday.

The construction of the depot started in 2011 to cut the cost of moving waste from Orange Farm to the Avalon depot 18km away, according to Ika Magasa, Pikitup’s Chief Operating Officer.

The depot will service about 60 000 households.

Mfikoe praised the community for buying into the recycling project, run at the depot by the Siyaphumelela Cooperative.

Developing innovative ideas

She said as society changed and technology improved, waste management would no longer be business as usual.

“We need to rise to the challenge and develop innovative ideas to improve waste management systems in order to drive the recycling economy.

“We have built a fully equipped buy-back and multi-recycling centre that handles paper, plastic, cans and glass. This is a direct cash payment and the centre has created scores of jobs,” said Mfikoe.

On average, 150 people bring their recyclables to the depot daily, she noted.

“Waste is a treasure. Look after this depot, be vigilant and don’t allow people to illegally dump their waste and rubble here,” Mfikoe added.

The green depot has solar panels and rain water is also harvested at the depot.

Partnering for waste management

Mapitso Kgoale, the depot’s Operational Manager, leads a team of six executives and 72 staff members – all from Orange Farm and nearby Poortjie, one of the most economically deprived areas in the region.

Chief Operating Officer Magasa praised the 26-member Siyaphumelela Cooperative for its efforts in educating and empowering the community about environmental protection.

Enock Malanda, a supervisor in the cooperative, said the community’s response was encouraging.

Established in 2012, the cooperative works closely with Pikitup, which provides it with transport to collect recyclable materials from the community.

The cooperative buys back 1 000 tons of waste a month.

Region G Regional Director Mickey Padiachee said the depot would succeed if the community worked closely with Pikitup and the City.

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