Industry bands together against cheap tyre imports | Infrastructure news

The South African Tyre Manufacturers Conference (SATMC) plans to take its complaint against cheap tyre imports to SA’s International Trade Administration Commission.

“When our market is flooded with inferior-quality imports, nobody wins,” says TiAuto Group Marketing Executive Joe du Plooy. “Not reputable tyre manufacturers, nor tyre retailers and most certainly not the consumer, who stands to lose the most when poor quality tyres fail under normal operating conditions,” he motivates.

Among the concerns cited by SATMC is the fact that tyres sold by illegal importers are not suited to South Africa’s road and environmental conditions, which the organisation says has resulted in tyres exploding while vehicles were in motion.

“Big name tyre manufacturers invest heavily into research and development, which results in better engineered, longer-lasting, better performing and safer tyres. I wouldn’t personally consider a tyre that isn’t backed up by extensive research and proven performance,” adds du Plooy.

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