The right mix | Infrastructure news

Herman Marais, director: Plant & Technical at Much Asphalt, takes the IMIESA Hot Seat to discuss the secret to the company’s sustainability in the market after 50 years.

Much Asphalt turns 50 this year. What are the main reasons for the company’s sustainability through several changes of ownership over a half century?

HM  Being customer-focused with a high regard for product quality, together with commitment and capacity to supply. Value creation for both our customers and shareholders has been key in getting us where we are today.

Let’s not forget the ongoing investment in our people and plants, as well as the known fact that we do not walk away from problems.

Much Asphalt states its purpose as being “to enable the creation of safe and convenient transport infrastructure, resulting in sustainable wealth creation and community upliftment”. To what extent are you achieving this?

Infrastructure drives economic growth. This is not only true for industrial development but also for our communities. Various attempts to build roads to serve our growing middle-class communities on a shoestring budget have resulted in rapid failure.

While these projects generally involve labour-intensive methods, creating jobs, communities are often left with roads that have poor riding quality and are expensive and difficult to repair.

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