ATNS addresses radar systems reports | Infrastructure news

Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) says reports of a nationwide ATNS radar systems failure in the Tygerberg aircraft accident are “misleading, speculative and lacking in substance”, in the absence of independent investigation reports.

In a press statement, it said all airports, including Cape Town International, were operating normally. It says the delays experienced were due to a technical glitch that affected its slot coordination system, responsible for the sequencing of departures and arrivals. ATNS says the glitch has been resolved.

According to standard International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) protocols and procedures, all aircraft-related incidents and accidents are to be investigated by an Aviation authority of a member state.

As such, the South African Department of Transport’s Aircraft Accident Investigations Unit, in consultation with the South African Civil Aviation Authority, is investigating the incident.

ATNS said it would cooperate fully with investigating authorities. It claimed to be continuously improving its safety requirements, in line with international standards.

It concluded by offering condolences to the family and friends of the five deceased.

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