Only 1 – 2% of the 1.2 million global seafarers are women, according to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Be that as it may, an increasing number of young women are achieving success in the local maritime industry, thanks to on-going support from maritime institutions and forward-thinking companies. “Vast career opportunities exist for women in South Africa’s maritime sector,” says Kelly Klaasen, third engineering officer for Maersk Line. “The maritime industry is a robust national asset. In order to guarantee a healthy and productive future for it, industry leaders must promote careers within the sector to women, and afford them with the opportunities to grow, network, inspire and be inspired,” she adds.Klaasen says that it is up to the maritime industry to make a concerted effort to support and uplift women in the interest of better representation. “As a seafarer, I believe that it is my responsibility to promote careers within the maritime industry and to inspire young women to choose this as a career,” she says.
After being awarded a bursary, following her studies at Lawhill Maritime Centre, Klaasen went on to become a marine engineer. As a third engineering officer, she is responsible for all auxiliary engines, boilers and main engine top mountings in the engine department. Klaasen also performs day-to-day watch keeping duties and in a few months, will qualify as a chief engineer.