Tanzania’s natural gas infrastructure project in final stages | Infrastructure news

Tanzania’s Natural Gas Infrastructure Project is in the final stages of implementation and commissioning is planned for August 2015.

WorleyParsons was appointed by Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) for project management, covering engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning, working alongside China Petroleum Technology and Development Corporation (CPTDC), the main contractor for construction.

The project comprises a natural gas processing plant in Songo Songo Island (140 mmscfd), a natural gas processing plant in Madimba (210 mmscfd), and a natural gas transportation pipeline (542 km).

The objective of the project is to ensure adequate and reliable power supply for Tanzania and to provide affordable and reliable energy for industries, which is expected to create a positive contribution to the Tanzanian economy.

To secure domestic obligation and maximise opportunities on the natural gas value chain, TPDC intends supplying natural gas for domestic use as well as CNG for motor vehicles.

Construction on the project began in June 2013, and once completed, it will connect the development fields of Mnazi Bay, Songo Songo, Kiliwani, Mkuranga, Ntorya and shallow water gas discoveries.

Following official commissioning of the project in August 2015, natural gas will start to flow from Mtwara to Dar es Salaam. In Dar es Salaam, the gas will fire up a gas turbine for power generation at Kinyerezi I owned by Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (TANESCO).

Speaking during an inspection visit of the new natural gas infrastructure sites at the end of July 2015, the board chairman of TPDC said, “We are happy with the progress of the project and satisfied with the quality which is of international standard just like the project itself.

“We have been assured by our contractors and project consultants that the pipeline can transport natural gas without jeopardising health and safety of any human being and/or living organism along the pipeline.

“We believe that successful implementation of this project will benefit the whole nation. The completion of this project marks a milestone in the oil and gas sector in the country.

“With this infrastructure in place, we can now attract more investors in the upstream sub-sector as well as other sectors of the economy by assuring availability of reliable power.”


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