From 50 dump sites to 50 waste disposal facilities – challenges and lessons learnt | Infrastructure news

Waste generation and therefore waste management and waste disposal sites is something that is synonymous with all towns in South Africa. A large number of disposal sites in South Africa are operating illegally and without a license.

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) undertook to begin the process of licencing the sites with a target that all would be licensed by 2013/2014.

AECOM was appointment to undertake the licence application process for 50 unlicensed communal landfill sites in the Western Cape, in December 2013. 50 Basic Assessment reports had to be submitted before the end of March 2014.

The sites were spread over a large area covering most of the Western Cape Province and logistical, weather, consultation and communication challenges were experienced.

The final reports recommended rehabilitation methods to ensure that the sites operate or close in a manner that will minimise any negative impact on the surrounding environment.

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