Celebrating solutions to complex engineering problems | Infrastructure news

The SAICE-SAFCEC awards are set to take place on Thursday 08 October 2015, to give recognition to well-engineered civil engineering projects.

The awards seek to publicise how answers to challenging civil engineering problems were found, honour individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the profession or has made a contribution of distinction to civil engineering and promote the practice and development of excellence in civil engineering in the built environment profession.

The technical excellence project finalists:

Western Cape:

  • The Preekstoel Water Treatment Works
  • The Rehabilitation of Moille Point Sea Wall: Phase 1
  • Trenchless Rehabilitation of the Egg-shaped Langa Interceptor Sewer, and
  • The Kirstenbosch Centenary Tree Canopy Walkway “Boomslang”.
Easten Cape:

  • The Sundays River Bridge, and
  • The Midwaka Dam

  • The Malapa Fossil Cave Cover and Visitors’ Platform
  • Acid Mine Drainage: Witwatersrand Central Basin project
  • Head Offices for the Department of Environmental Affairs, and
  • The Newtown Junction

  • The Umgeni Road Interchange.
Finalists for technical excellence in Community-based projects are:

  • Wallacedene Public Transport Facility
  • Upgrading of Main Road P100
  • Local SMME Development Along National RouteR61 between Mthatha and Port St Johns
  • Cederberg Nature Reserve Phakamani & Khanya Educare Centres
  • Cornubia Integrated Human Settlement Phase 1A and 1B
  • DEA Stock Watering Programme – Umkanyakuude, and
  • Evolving Design and Construction of Rural National Roads in Response to Community Concerns National Route 2 Section 18
Finalists in technical excellence in International Projects category are:

  • The Jorf Lasfar Slurry Pipeline Project in Morocco
  • The Nacalia Rail Corridor, and
  • The Nacala Dam Feasibility Study in Mozambique
The Engineer of the Year and Young Engineer of the Year will also be announced at the awards ceremony.

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