Balfour WWTW up and running again | Infrastructure news

The Balfour Waste Water Treatment Works is back in full operation thanks to an ongoing refurbishment project funded by the Department of Water and Sanitation.

The funding came through the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG). The whole plant was dysfunctional before the project kicked off.

The project was implemented in two phases, and Phase 1 comprises of the refurbishment of the wastewater treatment plant which started on 10 July 2015 and is anticipated to be completed by the end of November 2015.

Phase 2, which involves the increase of the plant from four megalitres per day to eight megalitres per day will start in April 2016 and expected to be completed in March 2018.

The project will lay to rest the waste water and sewer spillage challenges experienced by the people of Balfour and surrounding communities.

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