Three (3) cells had previously been constructed using a geomembrane and clay.
The initial design for the fourth cell also utilised a geomembrane but the hydraulic risk assessment, in conjunction with a reduced construction period, much steeper slopes and significant cost savings, convinced the Client to line the cell in Dense Asphalt Concrete (DAC). Download technical paper here. Bituminous materials are often used in construction works all over the world – such as surfaces for roads and pavements and also as an impervious lining material. There are many situations where impermeability is required, for example, storing and retaining of water (hydro-power, drinking water, irrigation, flood protection, shipping, and recreation) or for the containment of contaminated materials (landfill / waste deposits). The Cholwald Landfill is situated in Central Switzerland and stores incinerator ash, sewage sludge and contaminated soil. The landfill cell constructed comprises an area of 30,000 m2 and was completed in less than four (4) months.