ACSA responds to Skywise legal bid | Infrastructure news

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) says it is currently responding to the summons of 22 December 2015 in which airline Skywise claims damages due to a breach of contract.

ACSA says it will comply fully with all ensuing legal processes. In a statement issued to the media ACSA indicated that it had not received any formal communication or correspondence from the Competition Commission (CC), but said it would cooperate with any investigation that the CC might institute.

In the same statement ACSA claims it affords all its airline clients “fair and equal treatment based on the terms and conditions of the client’s contract and other prevailing formal agreements.”

According to ACSA, it would “take the necessary appropriate actions to minimise risk exposure should any airline fail to operate within the terms and conditions of engagement, breach Airports Company South Africa’s level of acceptable credit risk appetite, or not conform to the regulations of the Government Gazette Notice 1164 of 2014.”

ACSA maintains that its decisions and actions in the Skywise matter were “taken in the company’s best commercial interests while ensuring the sustainability of South Africa’s aviation industry.”

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