This will ensure that consumers receive the bare minimum amount of potable water for domestic purposes. It is envisaged that the sachets will be delivered in bulk to strategic locations within the northern region where consumers can pick them up on their way home.
drought relief plan to get water to affected areas and reduce the amount of water lost due to leaks and burst pipes. The report outlines resources needed to assist in supplying water to drought affected areas as well as improve the response time to complaints of water leaks and burst pipes. These resources includes two water sachet machines, 80 static tanks and stands, 20 additional water tanker drivers to service drought affected areas between 4pm and 12pm, 12 bakkies and items of small plant and equipment which includes a mobile compressor, water pumps, wacker rammer, sludge pump and a pneumatic breaker. The equipment will be utilised as part of strategies outlined following an eThekwini Water and Sanitation Drought Joint Operations Committee meeting held late last year. The distribution of resources The 47 static water tanks are urgently required to be strategically placed within the northern region. A further 33 static tanks are proposed to be rolled out as the drought spreads and the number of affected areas increases. The purchasing of two water sachet machines will manufacture and seal four litres of water. These sachets will be delivered to households for drinking and cooking purposes. The machines will package between 15 and 20 four litre bags per minute.
The eThekwini Municipality’s Executive Committee on Tuesday , approved a report outlining the City’s emergency