Reduce water consumption, or face water shedding- Knysna | Infrastructure news

Dripping tap

The Knysna Municipality is urging residents and businesses to reduce consumption to avoid water shedding.

The Knysna Municipality is urging residents and businesses to reduce consumption to avoid water shedding.

“While our area has received quite a bit of rain, it has been very inconsistent, with long, dry periods in between. The Greater Knysna area is mainly dependent on our rivers for water, however, with this erratic rainfall, our rivers are running low.

“Everyone needs to be aware of how vulnerable our water resources are, and need to use water sparingly,” says Knysna Executive Mayor, Georlene Wolmarans.

“Currently the water consumption in Knysna is 12 megalitres per day; ideally we would like to bring it down to 8 megalitres daily,” Wolmarans notes.

According to the mayor Sedgefield’s current average water consumption is 2.47 megalitres per day and the municipality would like to reduce that to 1.9 megalitres per day.

Water restrictions still in place

Water restrictions are still in place, should the demand not decrease the municipality will implement stricter measures.

Water Restrictions are as follows: Even street numbers can water gardens on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 18:00 & 19:00. Odd street numbers can water gardens on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 18:00 & 19:00.

“I am not only appealing to residents to use water sparingly but urging businesses as well to reduce consumption. We all need to do our bit to ensure that our town is not faced with a crisis in the near future. Let us all reduce consumption by being water wise in order to avoid water shedding”, she concludes.

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