TNPA bolsters ports security | Infrastructure news

Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) has introduced a state-of-the-art CCTV port security system at all eight commercial South African ports, and at its Johannesburg head office, valued at R843 million.

The National Ports Act, 12 of 2005, and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code of 2004, dictates that the port authority implement measures to assist in detecting security threats and take preventative measures against security incidents that may affect ships or port facilities used in international trade.

The CCTV system comprises 2 100 high definition cameras across the various sites – more than double the previous 864 – as well as long range cameras to monitor all port channel entrances and outer anchorages.

The Port of Durban’s newly renovated control centre was the first to go live with the system on 12 February 2016. It boasts modern video walls for added visibility across the port. Vehicle security within Durban’s port perimeters will also be enhanced through license plate recognition.

TNPA says the system will facilitate increased night visibility through thermal imaging.

Some of the most common security incidents in South African ports include stowaways, theft of cargo and damage or theft of assets owned by Transnet and other port users.

Transnet says it is also looking at ways to make the ports more ‘people-centric’ and accessible to the public while still maintaining safety and security.

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