A two-day conference on improving industrial waste management in Africa will be the first major event focusing on problems and solutions to improve industrial or hazardous waste management on the continent.
The conference taking place in Cape Town on 17 and 18 August 2016 will involve all major stakeholder groups in two-days of presentations and discussions.
CHWMEG, as the major global organisation promoting waste stewardship is organising and sponsoring a two-day event that will explore the barriers to improving industrial waste management in Africa and also discuss possible solutions. The conference will focus on how to create the right incentives for private investment and utilisation of modern waste management approaches.
The program will feature a panel on updates in the regulations and laws in Africa. An expert on waste management will also review typical problems and strengths in actual facilities.
A panel representing industry and manufacturers will discuss the problems and possible solutions from that perspective. Another panel will include the waste management industry, represented by individual facility operators and moderated by the Vice President of the International Solid Waste Association.
Since the Bamako Treaty implementing the Basel Convention, the role of Africa governments in approving the shipment of hazardous waste has assumed key importance. A panel of government representatives will also discuss the issues raised from their perspective.
A final session will be completely devoted to general discussions by the speakers and audience participation.
The organiser believes that this will be the first major public conference of industrial waste management issues in Africa that focuses of the regulatory, economic and political issues.
For the program or to register visit:
http://www.chwmeg.org/seminars/seminar05/register.asp The program will be conducted with simultaneous translation in English and French.