African Union Commissioner Dr Elham Mahmood Ahmed Ibrahim has confirmed her attendance at 2016 INFRASTRUCTURE AFRICA BUSINESS FORUM.
Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Special Envoy for Gender at the African Development Bank (AfDB), will also be attending the prestigious infrastructure event, along with other continental VIPs.
With the challenges being faced by South Africa’s economy, a key focus of the conference will be regional opportunities for South African businesses and a call to action for South African private sectors players to look beyond SA’s borders for new business opportunities.
In the face of growing international competition in Sub-Saharan Africa, South African-based companies need to take a long-term strategic view of the region. Companies are recognising the need to develop a local presence in Africa, no longer just using South Africa as a base, but integrating their strategies with the evolving economies and underpinning infrastructure in the broader Sub-Saharan region.
With this year’s AfDB partnership, the first-ever Africa Inclusive Infrastructure Forum – held during the conference – will focus on the empowerment of women in the infrastructure space.
The conference will take place on 9 and 10 June 2016 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.