Water has been on the minds of South Africans since the full extent of the drought took effect in many regions of the country, which weighed down heavily on many related sectors in the country, such as agriculture and trade.
The Vision 2030 Summit is a platform for members of the Presidency, key government dignitaries and private sector leaders to share insights, engage and discuss the vision for the National Development Plan. It highlights key aspects around Vision 2030 and how key organisations and individuals can contribute to make it a reality.
This year, the Summit is proud to host esteemed figures and companies in South African society, including Jeff Radebe and Matthews Phosa. The Mega Water Corporation will sponsor the Water Infrastructure Development breakaway session on 8 June. “Sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa face daunting service delivery and management challenges, with water scarcity and the supply of reliable, treated and clean water among the most pressing. While there are many active players involved (governments, non-governmental organisations and the corporate sector) and many plans in development, the infrastructure framework remains largely fragmented, with numerous inefficiencies. The situation calls for consolidation and above all, viable levers for successful delivery of government, multi-lateral and corporate funded water services to the people of Africa.” – The Mega Water Corporation Topco Media is proud to once again host the Vision 2030 Summit, at Emperors Palace, in Johannesburg on 8 and 9 June 2016. This Summit promises to be an informative and productive experience for members of both the public and private sector. Attendees will gain practical insight, with opportunities to network and form partnerships. For more information about the Summit, the accompanying publication, or how you can be involved in this exciting initiative, please contact Micheline Frantz: Micheline.frantz@topco.co.za – 086 000 9590