Serving the Continuing Education Needs of Today’s Supply Chain Professionals | Infrastructure news

A presentation by Abe Eshkenazi CSCP, CPA, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, APICS, USA. Delivered during the 38th annual SAPICS event for supply chain professionals in Sun City, South Africa.

Today’s global marketplace is changing the way supply chain, logistics and operations management professionals think about their human capital. As organizational structures advance and evolve, new and often challenging talent requirements arise. This presentation will explore corporate supply chain capabilities and how to:

Ensure you have the competencies needed to achieve organizational and professional goals
Expand your skills so the supply chains you manage have critical impact on the bottom line
Identify and train talented staff to gain a competitive advantage
APICS CEO, Abe Eshkenazi, will share insights from APICS research and detail how APICS continues to contribute to both corporate and individual success through its education and certification programs.

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