Implementing a demand and supply planning system at Toyota South Africa Motors | Infrastructure news

A presentation by Dawie Poolman CSCP, Honours degree in Industrial Engineering, Solution Architect, Barloworld Logistics, South Africa.

Delivered during the 38th annual SAPICS event for supply chain professionals in Sun City, South Africa.

Toyota South Africa Motors has embarked on a journey to co-ordinate a range of diverse and often conflicting planning tools and processes into a single planning platform. This is the story of a real-life journey of passionate supply chain practitioners implementing a demand and supply management software toolset to support a highly specialised and complex S&OP process in the automotive sector.

The solution covers hierarchical demand planning for vehicles, market size and share projections, constrained supply ordering, shipment schedules, and fair allocation of vehicles across a large dealer network, over a continuously moving budget horizon. Join us to learn how strategic, tactical and operational planning can be combined in one platform. Find out how fairness can be incorporated into mathematical algorithms. Discover where the worlds of demand pull and supply push collide.

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