S&OP maturity comes prior to advance planning software | Infrastructure news

A presentation by Steven Hainey CPSM, CPIM, CPF, MCIPS, C.P.M., Director of Supply Chain, Jarden Applied Materials, USA.

Delivered during the 38th annual SAPICS event for supply chain professionals in Sun City, South Africa.

With the majority of companies stuck in the first stages of S&OP maturity and struggling to move forward, the session will cover why implementing advance planning software for their ERP systems is not always the best next step. This session will shed light on the different stages of the S&OP maturity journey, the key requirements for those stages, and methods to overcome the major hurdles for each one.

When companies are in the first stages of S&OP maturity, the existing culture and processes frequently limit advancements more than a company’s technology and software. The presenter will address the appropriate stage to install the advance planning software which is typically required to move into the higher maturity levels.

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