Pikitup’s Board has taken the decision to part ways with MD Amanda Nair, following allegations by SAMWU, an independent investigation, and a further investigation by the Deputy Public Prosecutor
In extending Nair’s special leave on 30 June this year, the Board communicated to her that “in the event that you consider it necessary to communicate with the Board, any member of staff or indeed any person associated with Pikitup, we require that you do so through the Acting MD.” In response, Nair requested that matters pertaining to the disciplinary enquiry be communicated with the Chair of the Board which was agreed to.
Although Nair has denied that she is in communication with employees at Pikitup, there is evidence of such communication and in a letter dated 27 August 2016 Nair states “I wish to record that I shall talk to whomever I wish to.” The Board said in its statement, ”This situation is quite obviously untenable and causes instability in the company. “ Financial implications of termination According to the Board, the only legal and cost effective option is to end the employment relationship is to settle the remainder of the employment contract with Nair. The Board has taken action against her for violation of her duties as an Accounting Officer in terms of the Municipal Finance Management. The Board has further stated that legal action in the civil courts will be instituted against Nair in terms of section 176 (2) of the Municipal Finance Management Act to recover the losses suffered by Pikitup if need be. The amount that is being claimed by Pikitup will be held in a trust account pending the resolution of the claim.