CEO of Mercedes Benz SA discusses the expansion of the C-class | Infrastructure news

Alastair Currie, editor of IMIESA magazine, chats to Arno van der Merwe, CEO and executive director at Mercedes Benz South Africa at the 80th IMESA conference in East London.

Van der Merwe discusses the automaker’s 67 years of manufacturing in East London.

He highlights the success that Mercedes Benz has seen throughout its expansion of the C-class range, notes export figures and indicates how important the contribution of the factory is to the diamond network.

Van der Merwe also talks about transformation and skills development being very critical within the company and says that it has to get these elements “100 percent right”.

He concludes with saying that Sub-Saharan Africa is “arguably the last untapped market in the world,” that it will develop in the future and that Mercedes Benz will remain committed to SA and the Sub-Saharan African region.

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