ERWAT, a truly indigenous South African company, which provides bulk wastewater conveyance and a highly technical and proficient wastewater treatment service to some 2 000 industries and more than 3.5 million people, has a new managing director.
In South Africa’s public sector, one of the most important changes needed is in its work culture – the way in which things get done, typically in a relaxed and unhurried manner. Performance management’s focus on compliance rather than productivity and compliance nurtures this inefficient culture. Setting goals and objectives to meet IDP requirements isn’t a problem. But, measuring individual performance against time-based goals and objectives is a problem, along with understanding the impact of project overruns, exceeding budgets, poor-quality deliverables or not delivering at all. Being technically competent is fine, but being attitudinally challenged isn’t. This has to change.
Skills development and training, to empower workers and effect change, includes soft skills, not just hard skills. Training needs are best identified by operational management and engineers, not executives in unrelated departments where adherence to the standard chart of accounts takes precedence over everything else. This is an instance in which bottom-up management applies. Getting back to R&D… in practical terms, in which direction would you like to see ERWAT going? The foundation obviously has to be natural science but we also have to look to innovation. We need to beneficiate. Wastewater treatment plants process two natural components – water and solid, carbonaceous waste, both of which can be beneficiated. As South Africa is a water-scarce country, innovations in water reuse must be a priority. As for solid waste, this can be processed to produce a non-toxic, virus- and bacteria-free agricultural fertiliser or used as is to generate electricity, using a DC plasma arc furnace. The Hartebeestfontein plant uses approximately 14 MW. If we are smart, we could become our own independent electricity producer. However, the underlying principle and driver of R&D innovation is that it must always be application oriented. For example, the municipality is responsible for the customer-to-pump-station pipeline. ERWAT is responsible for the pump station to its wastewater treatment plant. Installing a FOG (fat, oil and grease) trap at the point of entry to the plant, FOGs can be recovered and sold as additives to the fuel industry. No matter what the innovation, it demands that the man-machine interface also be put under the microscope, the purpose of which, in working together, is to achieve greater efficiencies and reduced costs – the ultimate goals. This takes us back to the education and training issue, does it not? Yes, it does. The problem with many developed nations is that they have experts in specific fields. If cross-communication, collaboration and teamwork do not exist, it has a negative, counterproductive effect. Experts also do not know what it is they do not know. The same can be said of people with part knowledge and who have an ego problem. As a developing nation, and to be effective, we need multiskilled, mission-directed work teams. That must and will be a key focus. We should also remember that success is achieved through people. The wellness of employees is critical to performance and the effective management of human capital. Summing up, how, then, do you see the future? In five years from now, ERWAT will be seen as a highly successful and internationally recognised innovator in wastewater treatment. For this, we have Joe Mojapelo, ERWAT’s chairman, and the board of directors to thank, for presenting the future as an opportunity to develop and grow. And, in knowing what we can achieve, given this opportunity, ERWAT can only but flourish – technically and commercially. Africa is the new frontier; thereafter, it’s the world.