Eastern Cape to spend R107 million on provincial road maintenance | Infrastructure news

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R107 million has been allocated to provincial road maintenance in the Eastern Cape. There will also be a focus on the maintenance of surfaced roads through a programme of resealing, throughout the province.

The funds will be invested into plant machinery used for these maintenance purposes. This was according to Premier Phumulo Masualle during his State of the Province Address.

He said the Eastern Cape was continuing with construction work on strategic roads and related infrastructure throughout the Eastern Cape.

“As we implement the Presidential Strategic Integrated Projects in the province, we are moving ahead with plans for the development of the N2 Wild Coast route from East London to the Mthamvuna River,” Masualle said.

“This project includes the construction of two mega bridge structures on the Msikaba and Mthentu Rivers, as well as seven additional major river bridges and three interchanges,” he added.

The South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) has estimated that the tender for both bridges will be awarded, with contractors on site by the first quarter of the 2017/18 financial year.

As part of the celebrations for the centenary of OR Tambo, Masualle said the Nkantolo road linking the R61 and the stalwart’s birth place is also being surfaced.

Masualle also highlighted that other roads under construction included the R61 from the Mthamvuna River to Mbizana, the R72 from East London to Port Alfred, and sections of the N2 between East London, Peddie, Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth.

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