New Rose Foundation CEO prioritises helping oil collectors and processors | Infrastructure news

The new Rose Foundation CEO, Bubele Nyiba. Picture: LinkedIn

The new Rose Foundation CEO, Bubele Nyiba. Picture: LinkedIn

The Recycling Used Oil Saves the Environment (Rose) Foundation has welcomed its new CEO, Bubele Nyiba, following the retirement of former CEO Raj Lochan.

Bubele Nyiba has a long history in the oil industry having previously worked at Engen Petroleum for 15 years.

Nyiba said he has a passion for the industry and is determined to drive greater efficiencies in used oil recycling to tackle challenges facing the sector.

Nyiba said the foundation has been integral in championing the responsible collection and recycling of used oil to ensure that it does not end up contaminating the environment.

“The people that ultimately make this possible are the collectors that go out and collect this used oil and the processors who refine it into a reusable product,” he said.

Pressure on oil collectors

Nyiba drew attention to low crude oil prices and said this has placed immense pressure on collectors as they receive very low prices for used oil when the price of crude oil is low.

“Financial pressure makes it difficult for collectors to embrace compliance and because of this, Rose assists as much as possible in terms of free training, auditing, protective clothing, insurance, etc.,” he said.

He explained that collectors “really have the most difficult position in the used oil supply chain” and worked “extremely hard and under difficult circumstances.”

“The processors also play a vital role as they make it possible for the used oil collectors to make a living by purchasing the used oil,” he added. “Rose is also working with the processors to ensure compliance.”


However, there are many challenges facing the the used oil industry. Nyiba highlighted legislation as “the big unknown” for many players.

“This could have a huge impact on the contributions and the price of virgin oil,” he said. “The customer takes the knock in the end as the prices of commodities simply go up if taxes increase.”

He said this point is often missed when people talk about legislation and its impact.

“Ultimately, it is the customer that pays for any government levy,” Nyiba continued. “The member companies of Responsible Producer Organisations are simply a convenient collection mechanism,” he added. “It’s also important to point that an industry-managed Extended Producer Responsibility will always be more cost effective than the alternative.”

Taking the foundation forward

Nyiba said his long-term goal going forward is to see the foundation become a formidable brand in the waste management sector. “…when people see used lubricating oil, they must immediately think Rose,” Nyiba said.

In the short term, he would like to make the foundation as inclusive as possible. “I plan to put a lot of energy into working with the majority of oil collectors and processors in the country – this way we can substantially increase the used oil we account for,” he said.

In addition, he would like to see the foundation engaging with all lubricant marketers, manufacturers, and importers. “The aim is to get all these players to be contributing to the Rose Foundation,” he said. “This will eliminate all free-riders from the new oil supply value chain.”

“From a Rose Foundation point of view, we need to be seen to be an independent organisation that looks after the interests of the environment,” he added. “This will allow all players in the used oil value chain to work together co-operatively for the good of the environment.”

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