DWS releases proposed raw water tariffs | Infrastructure news

The Department of Water and Sanitation met with all concerned stakeholders at the end of last week to discuss raw water tariffs.

Through the Mzimvubu-Tsitsikamma Proto Catchment Management Agency, the department consulted concerned stakeholders at a meeting which took place in East London and Port Elizabeth.

Every financial year the department is mandated to consult with stakeholders pertaining to raw water tariff pricing. The department said this process was held in order to assist with discussions around the proposed water tariffs for the 2018/2019 financial year regarding water management and bulk raw water in the area.

The consultation sessions were also used as a platform which gave the public an opportunity to comment or make an input regarding the proposed tariffs.

The proposed raw water tariffs are as follows:

  • Domestic and Industry:
  • Full cost 2018/19 tariffs: 3.61 cents/m³
  • Proposed 2018/19 capped tariffs: 3.61 cents/m³
  • Irrigation
  • Full cost 2018/19 tariffs: 3.61 cents/m³
  • Proposed 2018/19 capped tariffs: 2.26 cents/m³
  • Forestry
  • Full cost 2018/19 tariffs: 3.61 cents/m³
  • Proposed 2018/19 capped tariffs: 3.61 cents/m³


The department said some of the key challenges that were raised from the previous consultation session were discussed during these sessions. These challenges were identified as “abstraction, whereby users are using beyond their allocation as stipulated in their licences to the disadvantage of other users”.

The department said it also emphasised that water use licences will be done over a 300 day period.

“Lastly, billing of users will be strengthened to ensure water users get correct water bill statements as part of encouraging them to pay,” the department said in a statement.

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