President Jacob Zuma will deliver the 2017 State of the Nation Address in Parliament this evening. Picture: NIC BOTHMA
President Jacob Zuma has urged African Heads of State to work closely together to ensure that the implementation of the Paris Agreement is a success. “Climate change is a global challenge that requires no one to be left behind. The whole world affirmed this in Paris and Marrakech when the Paris Agreement entered into force on the 4th November last year,” the President said on Monday.
He was speaking at the Meeting of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York.
The president said negotiations on the Paris rule-book must remain on track and ensure that there is sufficient clarity on Parties’ commitments under their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) on mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation.
“Developing countries should be provided with adequate support for their mitigation and adaptation actions and progress should be made on a post-2020 finance goal that should be significant more than the 2020 goal 100 billion US dollars per year in climate finance,” the President said.
He added the “the efforts of developing countries to adapt to climate change with their own resources should also be recognised as a contribution to the global effort to address climate change.”
Adhering to the principles of the convention
The President said it was important for the Africa Group to emphasise adherence to the principles of the Convention.
“The Africa Group should not allow any renegotiation of the Paris Agreement. It was a landmark achievement of the international community. It presents us with the best vehicle to address climate change, which is a monumental challenge of our time, in a manner that is fair and that takes into account countries’ national circumstances,” he noted.
President Zuma said climate change posed both a threat and an opportunity to development.
“The pursuit of a low-carbon and climate resilient development opens up opportunities for not only achieving our development goals, but also achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the goals set out in Agenda 2063.”
He added that he was confident that international solidarity would prevail at the UNFCCC COP23.