The Polystyrene Association of South Africa has teamed up with Wildlands for a recycling initiative aimed at reducing the amount of Polystyrene that ends up in Durban’s landfill sites.
The initiative will see Wildlands collecting, processing and supplying post-consumer and industrial recycled polystyrene products to manufacturers. The process involves putting the collected polystyrene through an Ingot machine to transform it into a material used by recyclers for the manufacture of stationery, hangers, picture frames, cornices and skirtings. The transformed polystyrene can also be mixed with a special cement mixture for use in building and construction.A valuable resource
Expanded polystyrene is one of South Africa’s most commonly used materials relied upon by everyone, from canteens and restauranteurs to spaza shops and supermarkets because it offers excellent insulation properties, extends the shelf life of food and protects items against breakage. “The wonderful thing about polystyrene is that the material consists of 96% air – making it incredibly lightweight,” explains Adri Spangenberg, Director of the Polystyrene Association of South Africa.“This has a significant impact on carbon emissions during transportation, but also unfortunately causes it to be easily blown away by wind where it becomes visible litter found on beaches or along roadsides,” she says.
She adds that few people are aware that polystyrene is a valuable resource that is readily recycled in South Africa.