Construction sector urged to use compliant laminated timber beams | Infrastructure news

Timber beams - Photo : RSB BeamsAll laminated timber beams to be used for structural purposes must comply with the minimum requirements outlined in SANS 1460.

This is according to the latest notice issued by the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA). The institute adds that all laminated timber beams must be clearly stamped by the supplier, indicating the grade and the relevant accredited authority.

“It is a requirement in terms of SANS 10163 “The Structural use of Timber” and the National Building Regulations, SANS 10400, that all structural timber comply with the relevant product specification,” the institute said.

According to the body the only way to demonstrate this is by means of certification by an ISO 17065-accredited certification body or by means of a registered structural engineer.

Taking responsibility

There should be recorded evidence of controls to support this, i.e. type and classification of structural adhesive and approval certificate of each batch, test results of the MOR (bending stress) and MOE (stiffness), grade classification, and markings, to name a few.

“It is the responsibility of architects and engineers to call for certified structural timber, the relevant inspectors to ensure compliance, and design engineers, architects and truss manufacturers to specify products they can trust,” the institute explained.

“Making use of laminated timber products for structural purposes without the necessary certification and backing amounts to irresponsible business – and building – practice. The ITC-SA urges the trade and public to make use of structural timber from the formal trade and that bears the necessary marks,” the institute concluded.

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